Breana Green, of Shelbyville, described how she noticed that a sign showing support for Biden in her neighbor’s yard had been disturbed.

Speaking to WSMV, Green said the yard was littered with a number of “business cards” reportedly belonging to the KKK.

Green believed the cards were left in response to the Biden-Harris yard sign, which also had tire marks indicating it had been run over.

“It’s scary knowing that just supporting a presidential candidate can incite this kind of vandalism,” Green said.

“There is some anxiety that people could be targeted in my family,” she added.

“People in the community could be targeted as well. I just don’t think this should be something that we’re dealing with in 2020.”

Speaking to WPLB, Green described that the cards said how the KKK had paid “a social visit,” with a warning that the next time will be “a business call.”

Green said she feels like the littering of the cards was an act of intimidation by the white supremacist group.

“I can’t imagine the folks in Shelbyville who are people of color, how they are feeling. They must be feeling really scared,” Green said. “And I want to make sure the community comes together to make them feel like they are welcome.”

Another woman told WSMV that the same cards were left at her home and that her Biden-Harris sign had been stolen.

Shelbyville Police confirm that both Biden and Donald Trump signs have been targeted in the area and that KKK material previously appeared in the city in 2016.

Deputy police chief Brian Crews said there is no clear indication of intimidation, but encourages those who find similar cards to come forward.

“We don’t believe that it’s targeting specific races. We believe that it’s targeting certain neighborhoods that would even be predominantly white,” he told WPLN. “I think most people just view it as trash.”

In a statement, police said: “The Shelbyville Police Department has been made aware of a limited number of incidents involving theft and/or damage to campaign signs. This is true for both Trump and Biden yard signs.

“We have also been made aware of local residents receiving literature from individuals purporting to be from the knights of Ku Klux Klan. Similar literature has been found in driveways and yards for a number of years.”

The Shelbyville Police Department has been contacted for further comment.