WARNING: POTENTIAL SPOILERS AHEAD FOR KNIGHTS OF THE OLD REPUBLICMany players are likely already familiar with Revan’s story, but hopefully, KOTOR Remake doubles down on the light and dark side decisions. The first game had them, but for the most part, they were trivial, sometimes simply coming down to antagonistic dialogue. However, the most vile act in the game comes with Revan’s betrayal of Mission and Zaalbar, and the Remake could really make their suffering even worse—for the sake of Darth Revan, that is.

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KOTOR Remake – Mission Vao and Zaalbar’s Storyline

Players will encounter Mission and Zaalbar early in the game, on Taris. Revan and Carth Onasi encounter them in a Cantina, where she gives them vital information for the journey. Later on, Revan encounters Mission again, where she reveals Zaalbar has been captured by slavers. Revan will rescue Zaalbar, resulting in the Wookiee swearing a life debt to them—thus recruiting these Knights of the Old Republic companions.

The relationship between Mission and Zaalbar can be compared to Han Solo and Chewbacca—they are very similar. This, combined with their backgrounds, endears them to players quickly. Mission is only 14 and has lived as a street urchin all her life; it doesn’t take long before she comes to be the collective child of Revan’s group. Meanwhile, Zaalbar is a Madclaw of Kashyyyk—an exile. Not because he did anything wrong, but because he attacked his brother for his role in the Wookiee Slave Trade. Zaalbar’s father didn’t believe the accusations, but eventually, Revan is able to help Zaalbar settle this. In terms of companion quests in KOTOR and other BioWare games, theirs is as heartwarming as their relationship.

The destruction of Taris lit a fire under Mission, so she would aid Revan not just because of Zaalbar’s life debt but because of her faith in Revan. During all of this, Mission’s personal quest will bring her face to face with her brother, Griff, who had betrayed and abandoned her. Her story ends with her accepting his failures and not holding herself back because of them; in a way, Revan helps her grow where her brother only held her back.

Mission was shaken when Revan would reveal his identity in Knights of the Old Republic, but should players stay on the Light Side, she will see the journey through to the end. She did not believe that Revan was the same Sith Lord he used to be. Mission and Zaalbar would eventually part ways with Revan, pursuing a business venture of their own, on their own terms. When Revan took a few of his old companions onto a journey into Unknown Space, he would not take Mission and Zaalbar—he wanted them to find their peace and happiness.

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KOTOR Remake – Twisting the Blade of Revan’s Ultimate Betrayal

Depending on how the KOTOR player approaches their Revan, of course, these events can change. Most of it remains true until players uncover their identity, and should they choose the path of the Dark Side, Mission will not be able to stand by his side. In fact, she did not believe Revan would kill her. This would be the Revan, after all, who rescued Zaalbar, who had taken her in as one of their own, who had helped Zaalbar on Kashyyyk, and who had helped her resolve her family issues with her brother. Yet, should the player choose, Revan can raise their lightsaber against Mission, and Zaalbar will abandon his life debt to defend her. They will both die.

Even worse, Sith Lord Revan can manipulate the Force and Zaalbar’s life debt to make Zaalbar—Mission’s closest and best friend in the entire galaxy—kill her. Zaalbar will later turn on Revan, hating himself for his actions. It’s an act of absolute cruelty, an ultimate betrayal by a Sith Lord, and a moment that is unforgettable.

That said, KOTOR is a product of its time and this moment—as heartbreaking as it is—is held back by the graphics and generation limitations of the game. KOTOR Remake would do well to create more modern cutscenes for several moments in the game, and this should be one of them. This evil Knights of the Old Republic decision could trigger a cut scene where Zaalbar struggles with the Force, where memories flash around them, and where Mission doesn’t believe this will happen—just for it to all fall apart. With the proper setup, proper audio, and excellent delivery, one cutscene could twist the knife of Revan’s most personal and darkest hour.

KOTOR Remake is in development for PS5.

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