The series’ main character is Seiya, a young boy who becomes the Pegasus knight of Athena while searching for his missing sister. Saint Seiya has many powerful characters that take up ranks of the many different zodiac signs; however, among the many knights, only a few demand respect from all of their peers as the most powerful among them. Here are the most powerful Saints in Knights of the Zodiac, ranked.

7 Leo Aiolia

Aiolia is a gold cloth saint of the Leo constellation; he is a prideful and dedicated knight who is completely devoted to Athena and his brother knights. Aiolia is the younger brother of Aiolo, who was cast out of the order of knights after he betrayed the Goddess Athena; ever since his brother’s betrayal was discovered, Aiolia has worked tirelessly to redeem his family name.

The main abilities that Aiolia possess are his powerful lightning attacks utilizing his Cosmo energy; Raitoningu boruto fires a direct dense bolt of electricity at his opponent, while his other technique, Raitoningu Purazuma, is much more deadly as it sends countless strikes toward his target pulverizing them into dust.

6 Gemini Kanon

Kanon is a powerful saint of the order of Zodiac Knights who has a colorful past both as a gold cloth knight and as a renegade without a cause. Kanon is the younger brother of Saga and as such, possesses a power resembling his older brother, which makes him more than a talented fighter.

However, while possessing immense power, Kanon has poor personality traits that sometimes get the better of him. However, Kanon has worked hard to redeem himself of his checkered past and for the downfall of his brother, Saga. Kanon’s most powerful combat techniques are modeled after his brothers but not as strong; they are Galaxian Explosion and Genrou Ken.

5 Ares Shion

Shion is one of the oldest and wisest Zodiac Knights in the Saint Seiya series; his appearance is much different from his peers with his flowing green hair and stern gaze. Shion is one of the few survivors of the previous holy war among the ranks of the zodiac knights and carries great experience in battle and the respect of his comrades who fought alongside him.

Shion is incredibly gifted in the skill of Cosmo energy, able to use healing and telekinesis effortlessly; Shion’s strongest techniques are Stardust Revolution, which fires a volley of stars at his opponent, and Chrystal Wall, a barrier able to reflect enemy attacks.

4 Gemini Saga

Gemini Saga is a saint of great reputation and immeasurable power; while serving as a gold cloth knight to Athena, he was an unstoppable force on the battlefield, said to be the most powerful gold cloth knight to ever serve in the history of the Zodiac Knights. While this claim can be argued between others ahead of him on this list, there is no doubt that among all the Knights of the Zodiac, Saga stands above most, if not all.

Saga was known for his battle prowess, using his powerful abilities such as Galaxian Explosion, which utilized as much Cosmo energy as he can muster to create an obliterating warhead that explodes into a shockwave, vaporizing anything in its path.

3 Libra Doko

Doko is one of the oldest and most respected members of the gold cloth in the Knights of the Zodiac; he is known for having trained Dragon Shiryu and being a survivor of the previous holy war. Doko’s skill and experience earn him the title of master from all Knights in every cloth, and his power and presence on the battlefield are legendary.

However, Doko is not revered for his talent in Cosmo energy manipulation, instead, he is renowned for his pure, raw strength. It is confirmed that he is the strongest saint to ever serve under the gold cloth, rivaling that of Shion and Saga in his youth. While Doko’s strength is legendary, his ultimate technique transforms him into one hundred dragons that devastate his opponent.

2 Virgo Shaka

Shaka is declared the knight of all knights, currently the most powerful saint in Knights of the Zodiac, whose power is compared to a god within the series. Shaka is the noblest and most elegant of all the gold cloth saints and carries a strong aura of confidence and composure.

In the highest levels of strength and power in the ranks of the golden cloth, Shaka stands just a bit higher than the likes of Saga and Doko; Shaka has even gone toe to toe with the mighty Ikki of the phoenix constellation, which ended in a draw between the two. It took the combined efforts of four extremely powerful resurrected knights, including Saga himself, to subdue Shaka, which is a strong base for his power level. Shaka is a master in the art of Cosmo energy and uses his ultimate technique to utterly and beautifully destroy his opponents by robbing them of their senses and slowly destroying the mind, body, and soul.

1 Phoenix Ikki

The argument for the strongest saint in Knights of the Zodiac is a long and hardy one; Ikki stands among the mightiest saints and is the popular choice when it comes to the most powerful, having recently been portrayed in the Netflix Knights of the Zodiac CGI anime series. Ikki is a member of the bronze knights ranks serving as the knight of the phoenix constellation; his power is enormous and destructive, just like his personality, which makes him a fierce warrior.

Ikki has faced some of the most powerful saints and gods on his own and held his ground despite being a less experienced warrior compared to his opponents. Ikki’s phoenix illusion demon fist is a technique that destroys his target’s mind by overwhelming their sense and forcing their mental awareness to deteriorate rapidly; in addition, Ikki’s special trait to become stronger after every defeat in battle multiplies his power tenfold and makes him a constant threat.

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