As seen in the tweet from Kojima-san below, the first official promotional piece for Death Stranding features actor Norman Reedus’ character Sam in drab futuristic garb as he peers off into the distance. What’s even more interesting, though, is Sam’s cradling of an infant that’s floating in an incubation chamber while an omnidirectional flashlight and detection tool gleams above the protagonist’s head in what is potentially a purposeful biblical reference to a cross.

Surely, dedicated fans will be able to use Death Stranding’s first poster as a means to spin some circuitous, albeit plausible hypotheses like one that could relate the significance of the numbers and letters on the power pack at the front of the character’s suit to the “Porter” brand across his shoulder. After all, a translation for a segment of Kojima’s tweet reads, “Here is the new key visual for this,” with the director likely using “key” as the imperative word.

If Kojima is known for anything–other than his influential repertoire of games–it’s for creating beautiful promotional artwork for said games that are filled with elaborate allusions to what the projects are about. As it so happens, soon after Death Stranding was revealed last year, the director proclaimed that “the game has already begun,” despite there being plenty of days in development left, which sent fans down a research rabbit hole to mine secrets from the game’s first trailer.

All things considered, fans looking forward to learning more about Death Stranding hopefully won’t have to wait much longer, for with the game being a PlayStation exclusive, it’s likely to be represented at PSX 2017 in some capacity this weekend. Unfortunately, Sony hasn’t scheduled a panel for the game during this year’s PlayStation celebration, so fingers crossed for some actual gameplay to be revealed off during the showcase.

Death Stranding is currently in development for PlayStation 4.

Source: Kojima_Hideo – Twitter