Although Katai Makoto is only introduced to viewers (and most of Class 1-1) in Season 2 of Komi Can’t Communicate, he arrived at Itan Private High School with a memorable first impression, to say the least. Arguably the most intimidating guy in school, Katai is a big softy deep down who, like Komi, just wants to make some friends.

He strikes a bond with Hitohito Tadano and the two become quick friends, but their interactions inspire many questions from Komi and fans alike. Katai evidently also suffers from a communication disorder and tries several techniques to overcome his fears, but his pure joy in befriending Tadano hits like no other, turning the intimidating Herculean hulk into a lovesick fangirl at the drop of a hat.

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First Impressions

When Katai first arrives on the scene after spending months working on bulking up his physique, the timid young man inadvertently turned his intimidation factor on full blast, terrifying practically everyone he comes across. Unaware of the effect he has on people, Katai does his best to insert himself into the pre-established social groups in Season 2 episode 3, without much success. The ever-intuitive Tadano assesses the situation perfectly and extends a helping hand to Katai, who subsequently elevates his new friend on a metaphorical pedestal, seemingly lovestruck with gratitude for Tadano’s kind gesture.

None of the audience is really surprised when the usually stoic Katai shamelessness loses to Tadano in Season 2 episode 2’s “It’s Just the ‘I Love You’ Game,” before the shy Katai eventually builds up the nerve to invite his new friend to lunch to commemorate their companionship. The whole event seems rather innocent until Katai decides to strengthen his newfound friendship by cuddling up and getting cozy, without forgetting to hand-feed Tadano bites of lunch. While some may have run for the hills by now, Tadano takes it all in stride and seems to enjoy his first date with Katai overall, and seems only slightly weirded out by the overly-affectionate experience.

The Second Time is the Charm

After tirelessly planning his next date with Tadano, things start off on an awkward footing when Katai muddles his words and asks his intended if they can “do it together.” Fans stifle their giggles as Tadano tries to make sense of the request, and eventually, the plan of ice skating together comes up. Seemingly oblivious to Katai’s desires to spend quality (alone) time together, Tadano ends up inviting Komi along, which almost entirely cramps Katai’s style.

Although neither Komi nor Katai know how to skate, the Class Goddess steals all of Tadano’s attention, as Katai watches on while trying not to dissolve into a puddle of tears. Determination takes hold of Katai, who refuses defeat and manages to reclaim control of the situation. His dreams eventually come to fruition as Tadano skates hand-in-hand with Katai, both grinning like lovesick puppies. Any fans skeptical of Katai’s possible sentiments towards Tadano have less ammunition at their disposal after “It’s Just Ice Skating,” as Komi begins to be regularly filling the third-wheel role when it comes to this bromance.

The Naked Truth

Katai may not have initiated the semi-nude photoshoot in “It’s Just a School Trip”, but his awe-inspiring muscular figure certainly was to blame, as most of the boys could not keep their eyes off of him. The monumental occasion began with just Naruse and Katai posing for the reluctant photographer, Tadano, but it didn’t take long for the other class delinquents to get involved in the steamy affair.

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Tadano quickly became comfortable surrounded by muscular half-naked men, and it is unclear as to how many of those photos he kept for himself. Poor Komi witnessed the event just as things were heating up, and seems more confused about Tadano’s sexuality than ever. Good, clean, naked fun is apparently all that is needed for the boys to seal their friendship in Komi Can’t Communicate.

The Three-Date-Rule

In the Japanese culture, it is traditional for the girls to hand out chocolates to their friends or crushes on Valentine’s Day, but Tadano’s experience was not panning out as he anticipated. Katai and Katou seemed to have a little something going on, but so far, the only gift that Tadano received during school came from his best-bro, and, according to Tadano, “boys don’t count.” Thankfully, Katai did not overhear these sentiments as the poor guy’s heart would have surely shattered into a million pieces; but was Tadano’s dismissal of his best-bro authentic?

Firstly, Tadano uses Katai as his excuse for being so worked up about finding the perfect gift for White Day, which is an obvious cover story, but one which his mother is too quick to believe (does she have suspicions of her own?) To repay Katai for his Valentine’s Day gift, Tadano ends up initiating his third date with Katai and offers to take him out for a meal after school (with some tag-a-longs in tow.) Whether this gesture was planned or not is debatable, but the excitement on Katai’s face is undeniable; not to mention Komi’s shock. Many fans are disappointed that they didn’t get invited along to see how things turned out on Katai and Tadano’s third date, but there’s always the trusty imagination to rely upon.

The Class 1-1 Love… Square?

These hormonal teenagers just can’t seem to get their ducks in a row, or maybe it’s the Class 1-1 chads who need to find some direction. While Tadano and Katai have been otherwise preoccupied, they have not gone unnoticed by the girls in the class, particularly Shouko Komi and Katou Mikuni. While Katai has shown great admiration for Komi, his personal Communications Master, there seem to be no romantic attachments in this dynamic as Katai only emanated respect and awe in her presence. Katou, on the other hand, is potentially another story, although Katai’s thoughts on this matter have not yet been divulged. As far as viewers can tell so far, the person who inspires the most passion from Katai is Tadano, who earns more tenderness from the broad-shouldered youngster than Komi or Katou ever have.

The Verdict Is In

Regardless of Katai’s potential LGBTQ+ status, many fans can agree that this entertaining guy definitely deserves more screen time. At the end of the day, Komi is the only one who really has anything to worry about when it comes to Katai and Tadano’s close friendship, but judging a young man for showing his sweeter side is not a fair assessment.

Katai’s character is the ideal example of society’s stark views on masculinity; as men are generally either separated into the opposing categories of toxic masculinity or queer. The rest of Class 1-1 assume that Katai is dangerous and powerful because of his external appearance, but those who have caught a glimpse of what lies within know better. However, this begs to question: what happened to the middle ground, where men could be strong and sentimental without harsh judgments cast upon them? True, the content in Komi Can’t Communicate is rather suggestive, but why is a man’s sexuality questioned the moment he shows any signs of weakness (or as open-minded people rather say; emotional capacity.)

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