Once completely reliant on Tadano, Komi has learned to face the world without his assistance, although she evidently would rather have her handsome buddy by her side. With 100 friends to make altogether, Komi is well on her way to accomplishing her dream.

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The Not-So-Good Old Days

Flashbacks into Komi’s past show that her social anxiety was once so severe that she could not even bring herself to make eye contact, let alone speak out loud. Social anxiety involves a constant, internal battle with one’s own thoughts, usually involving the (assumed) harsh judgments passed onto a person by anyone they make contact with. These negative thoughts generally fall into a rumination cycle, stuck on repeat, subsequently eliminating any boldness, bravery or self-worth from its victim in the process.

Komi is often shown dissecting her past actions while lying (more like hiding) in bed, stressing over how the most recent situation panned out and how she plans on facing the world again. While most people can relate to this sensation, those with mental health issues feel crippled by the weight of these thoughts, sometimes to the extent that simple tasks such as talking ared transformed into monumental undertakings. Most often they would rather avoid interacting with people altogether, saving themselves from any potentially humiliating situations, but subsequently also inhibiting their ability to form substantial relationships in the process.

Squad Goals

At first, there was Tadano, reluctantly followed by Najimi, and for a while, it seemed that Komi would struggle to build her friend list much further. Surprisingly, her classmates are not necessarily put off by Komi’s intense aura, but rather felt that her status as Class Goddess is too considerable to be acquainted with low lives. Some, such as Agari Himiko and Inaka Nokoko, took a bit more convincing, whereas others, such as Ren Yamai and Yadano Makeru seemed a little too overenthusiastic at the befriending the girl. Overall, Komi has made roughly 30 friends by the end of Season 2 and is much closer to her goal of 100; which is an impressive feat for a girl with such crippling anxiety that she can barely talk.

The jealousy that Komi displays in several episodes regarding Tadano and Katai’s bromance show a certain level of boldness, as one first requires a level of self-worth to be upset by a little competition. It’s almost as if she wants to tell Katai to “stay off my turf!”, claiming Tadano as her companion (who she is happy to share with other friends, but Katai’s romantic gestures are crossing into Komi’s territory.) While she does show a certain level of jealousy towards Najimi in Season 1, Komi is less intense about that situation because it ultimately boils down to how close Tadano and Najimi are as friends (first-name basis and all). Najimi does not seem as interested in Tadano’s affections as Katai is, so that instance seemed easier for Komi to brush off.

Komi 2.0

As the days progress, Komi’s notebook becomes less of a crutch as she slowly finds her voice, sharing it most frequently with her dearest friend, Tadano. Initially, when Komi is caught without her pan and paper, she finds anther way to write to Tadano, with a stick in the sand or a cellphone instead. However, by the time Season 2 episode 11 rolls by, things have noticeably improved. While her notebook is nowhere to be seen, Komi has a bag strapped across her shoulders, undoubtedly containing paper and a pen within. But in this profound moment of ensuring her friend feels acknowledged, she makes no attempt to find her utensils and rather speaks directly to Tadano.

The extent of Komi’s personal growth can be seen in full on Valentine’s Day, where she is evidently still nervous about the whole ordeal, but continues to push herself out of her comfort zone. Not only does Komi force herself to visit Tadano at his home, but once she works up the courage to finally hand her gift over, even more effort is required.

RELATED: Komi Can’t Communicate Season 2: Where Did It All Go Wrong?

Komi has to chase Tadano back to his house, and instead of making some excuse about not reaching him in time, Komi literally shouts out his name (Komi, yell?) to get his attention. For once, she goes out of her way to make her presence known, instead of simply shying away and fleeing the scene.

Komi has also discovered how to interact with people without needing Tadano’s constant assistance and is significantly less co-dependant in Season 2. She has learned to trust her others friends enough to spend some one-on-one time with them too, learning the importance of female bonding in the process. Socially anxious people generally like to have some element of control over their environment, but Komi shows courage as she ventures into the uncharted territories of hosting a party, verbally communicating with complete strangers (Onemine’s kid siblings), and asking those uncomfortable questions (about the steamy Kyoto photo shoot). Komi is slowly finding her independence along with her voice, and regardless of what happens next, she is well more equipped to handle a situation than before.

Future Endeavors

Komi has clearly found strength in the support of her friends but is apprehensive of possibly taking the next year on without them by her side. Unable to predict who her classmates for her second year at Itan Private High School will be, Komi seems to feel defeated by the thought of having to start again from scratch. Tadano thankfully reminds his paramour that she has all her good memories to look back upon for encouragement, and just because they may not attend the same lessons daily, Komi can still visit all her new friends after hours.

The show cannot end without another classic instigating-Najimi moment, where they insist that Komi be the one to invite everyone to the end school celebrations. Komi has yet to refuse as task bestowed on her by Najimi, however, this time around she has a bit more freedom in terms of her delivery. Komi could take the easy way out and send a written message to all her friends, or she could decide to challenge herself and make some phone calls instead.

Considering that Komi is pushing herself more frequently by forcing herself to talk, it is quite possible that the Class Goddess could opt for the latter choice. Although it may take her some time to get through her steadily-growing contact list, Komi does not take her responsibility lightly. She is doubtless aware of the fact that the party will be a flop if she doesn’t work up the courage and initiate (multiple) conversations. A bit strange that this scenario did not feature in the Season 2 finale, but there is surely a valid reason for this decision. Komi is as prepared as she will ever be for her second year adventures in Komi Can’t Communicate.

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